It’s up! It’s up! The wallpaper is up! I know y’all aren’t as excited as me, but I wasn’t super optimistic in my wallpaper hanging abilities. About three years ago, my husband and I put up wallpaper in my son’s room, but the application was different and it didn’t go super well haha. I do think that this application may be the easiest of them all. I would maybe even argue that it could be easier than peel and stick. I say that because once you put the paper on the wall, it is easily maneuverable to make sure it is lined up and in place and any bubbles are pretty easy to smooth out. The most challenging part were the corners, and I assure you, they are not perfect- a couple places the pattern isn’t even lined up, but I think you’d realllly have to search to find it. I think the wallpaper pattern I chose is pretty forgiving.

The wallpaper I chose is the Subtle Floral pattern from Livette’s Wallpaper. It’s offered in peel and stick or traditional removable. As mentioned previously, I got the traditional wallpaper, and it is supposed to pull right off the wall without damage when I decide to remove it. To install this traditional wallpaper, you roll the adhesive onto the wall (like paint) and put it on wall. The pattern lines up end to end with no overlapping.
The other great thing about Livette’s wallpaper is that you can choose from several color ways; I chose the florals in greige. I decided on this because I wanted the pattern to still be soft, but I wanted it to be a little darker than what’s shown in the photos on their site.

The other addition we made to Nellie’s room this week is the pretty roman shade shown above. I got the cloud canvas roman shades with blackout lining from Select Blinds. I love the texture the roman shade adds! I haven’t decided if I’m going to hang curtains yet, but if I do, I may choose something lighter to mix up fabrics.

So what’s next? I have finishing touches on the bead board paneling, including caulking, adding the top trim piece, and painting. Then it’s smooth sailing; I’ll just need to set up her room with the furniture and accessories. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but I moved Nellie into our guest room so I have more opportunities to work on her room, so I’m really hoping I can finish the bead board by the end of next week.

Go check out what other people are up to on the One Room Challenge Blog!